EuroCham maintains a running list of new laws and changes to regulation that affect the business community. Below are the most recent:

  1. 20120415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Preah Sihanouk
  2. 20210401 MoH Guideline on health measures during Khmer New Year
  3. 20210401 PPCA Decision on curfew
  4. 20210402 PPCA Notification on Daily vaccination plan
  5. 20210405 MoH Letter on COVID-19 measures reminder for healthcare service providers
  6. 20210405 PPCA Notification on enhancing health safety measures during Khmer New Year
  7. 20210406 MoH Notification on COVID-19 patient home doctors
  8. 20210406 RGC Decision on inter-provincial travel and tourism areas restriction
  9. 20210407 MoH Guideline on COVID-19 patient home treatment
  10. 20210408 MEF and MoI Joint Prakas on Penalities for COVID-19 measures violation
  11. 20210408 RGC Subdecree on VAT implementatino on e-commerce business
  12. 20210410 Decision on alcohol sale ban
  13. 20210413 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Tbong Khmum
  14. 20210413 PPCA Decision on extension of curfew
  15. 20210413 Royal Decree on Operation of Kep provincial court
  16. 20210414 RGC Decision on Phnom Penh and Takmao lockdown
  17. 20210415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Kampong Thom
  18. 20210415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Kampot
  19. 20210415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Takeo
  20. 20210415 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Prey Veng
  21. 20210415 MoLVT Decision on the types of factories and enterprises permitted to operate during lockdown 
  22. 20210417 MoJ Summary of Decision 50
  23. 20210417 RGC Decision 50 on Modification of Lockdown Measures in Phnom Penh and Takhmao KH ENG
  24. 20210417 RGC Decision on extension of inter-provincial travel and tourism areas restriction
  25. 20210418 GDT Guideline on E-documents submission system
  26. 20210418 PPCA Instruction on Amendments of travel measures in Phnom Penh
  27. 20210419 MEF Decision on Abrogation of the Decision 018
  28. 20210419 MoH Notification on Second Dose Vaccination in Phnom Penh and Takmao
  29. 20210419 MoI Letter on Alcohol advertisement suspension
  30. 20210419 RGC Instruction on detail lockdown measures
  31. 20210420 MoH Notification on Additional COVID-19 vaccination sites
  32. 20210421 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Kampong Cham
  33. 20210421 MoH Press Release on permission for private health service providers on the sale of medicine in RED Zone
  34. 20210422 MoC Notification Alternativeonline System Mark Registration
  35. 20210423 MoH Guideline on COVID-19 rapid antigen test
  36. 20210423 PPCM Decision on closure of all state owned and unstandardized markets
  37. 20210424 PPCM instruction on alcohol sale ban
  38. 20210425 MoH Press Release on permitting private hospitals to treat COVID-19 patients
  39. 20210425 RGC Instruction on strengthening health measures implementation
  40. 20210426 Ban on Sale of Alcohol in Poi Pet
  41. 20210426 MEF Prakas on procedures for patent tax collection
  42. 20210426 MoJ Summary of the Decision 54
  43. 20210426 RGC Decision on extension of Phnom Penh and Takmao lockdown
  44. 20210426 Summary of Red, Dark Yellow and Yellow zones by GMAC
  45. 20210427 PPCA Decision on Red, Dark Yellow and Yellow zones
  46. 20210427 PPCA Notification on Extension of travel permit validity
  47. 20210428 Cambodia Embassy in Thailand Summary of Measures on Traveling into Cambodia
  48. 20210428 MoH Notification on travel facilitation for healthcare official and staff including pharmacist during lockdown
  49. 20210428 PPAC Instruction on business activities in Yellow Zone
  50. 20210503 RGC Decision on Lifting Phnom Penh and Takmao Lockdown measures
  51. Map of Dark Yellow and Yellow zones in Takmao
  52. Map of Red, Dark Yellow and Yellow zones in Phnom Penh
  53. Summary of the Decision 049 on Phnom Penh and Takmao lockdown

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