EuroCham maintains a running list of new laws and changes to regulation that affect the business community. Below are the most recent:
- 20210330 MPWT Instruction on Measures to Improve Telecom Quality of Service
- 20210331 RGC Sub-decree on Administrative Measures Against the Spread of COVID-19
- 2021 GDT Guidebook on Property Tax
- 2021 GDT Guidebook on Tax on Income Declaration
- 2021 GDT Guidebook on Unused land
- 20210303 RGC Decision on 5th Mandate Commune and Sangkat Elections
- 20210304 The Social Security Scheme of Pension Fund EN
- 20210304 The Social Security Scheme of Pension Fund KH
- 20210306 MoH Notification on Vaccination Campaign for 60 years old and above citizens
- 20210317 MCR Notification on the Suspension of all Religious Gatherings
- 20210317 RGC Decision on Establishment of Ad-hoc Commission on COVID-19 Vaccination Process
- 20210319 MEF and MoH Joint Prakas on Penalties on the Violation of Health measures
- 20210320 MCF Notification on Temporary Closure of Movie Theaters and Museums
- 20210320 MoEYS Notification on Temporary Schools Closure
- 20210320 MoLVT Notification on Temporary TVET Schools Closure
- 20210320 PPAD Notification on Temporary Closure of All Internet Cafe in Phnom Penh
- 20210321 MLVT Instruction on 2021 Khmer New Year Holiday
- 20210322 MEF and NBC Joint Prakas on Outcomes of Meeting on Real Estate Issues
- 20210322 MoH Prakas on Wearing Mask and Physical Distancing Duty
- 20210323 MCR Notification on Additional Health measures during the 3-day Khmer New Year
- 20210325 MLVT Letter on the list of employees voluntary for COVID-19 vaccination KH
- 20210325 MLVT Letter on the list of employees voluntary for COVID-19 vaccination EN
- 20210325 MoI on the Request for the Broadcasting Company List of Staff for COVID-19 Vaccination
- 20210325 RGC Economic Mitigation Measures Round 8 EN
- 20210325 RGC Economic Mitigation Measures Round 8 KH
- 20210326 MoEYS Notification on Temporary Closure of Gym and Other Sport Facilities in Phnom Penh, Kandal, Preah Sihanouk
- 20210327 PPAD Instruction on Wearing Mask and Physical Distancing in Phnom Penh