Meeting with H.E. Dr. CHEA Vandeth, Minister of Post and Telecommunications
On 21 October 2020, EuroCham had the privilege to meet with H.E. Dr. CHEA Vandeth, Minister of Post and Telecommunications, to introduce EuroCham’s new Board of Directors, Executive Director, and Chairman of the ICT Committee.
On this occasion, the Chairman of EuroCham, Mr. Tassilo BRINZER, highlighted ongoing cooperation between the two institutions, as well as discussing some of the most important issues regarding the Cambodian post and telecommunications sector, including: the Draft Sub-Decree on National Internet Gateway, the Draft Law on Cyber Crime, and general concerns regarding renewable energy.
On the Ministry’s side, H.E. Dr. CHEA Vandeth shared the details regarding some of the reforms carried out by the Ministry, including on the development of infrastructure, data centers, and improving internet access for the Cambodian people. The Minister also provided an update to EuroCham on the draft regulations mentioned by EuroCham's Chairman, and other draft regulations which will come soon into force.
EuroCham would like to thank H.E. Dr CHEA Vandeth and his team for the warm welcome offered and the insightful discussion between the two parties.