With the COVID-19 situation continuing to impact Cambodia, EuroCham will be regularly disseminating the official announcements from the Royal Government to ensure our network is updated as efficiently as possible. 

Due to the significant number of incoming announcements, we are unable to translate these in full so please refer to our summaries below and the attached official notices in Khmer.

Official Announcements: 14 - 26 August

(English summaries provided by EuroCham Cambodia, subject to corrections by relevant authorities)

1. Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training Prakas on Employing Foreign Workers in Special Condition 

On 14 August, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training issued the Prakas No. 277/20 allowing the owners or directors of enterprises under the scope of Article 1 of the Law on Labour to request foreign workers in special cases. This decision allows owners to employ more than 10 per cent of the total number of Cambodian workers in case enterprises cannot find enough Cambodian workers to fill their positions. 

To employ the foreign workers as a special case, the owners or directors of enterprises shall: 

  • Write a letter of request to the Minister of Labour and Vocational Training and attach the employment contract of each foreign worker;
  • Fill the foreigner work permits application on FWCMS webpage (www.fwcms.mlvt.gov.kh); 
  • Pay the work permit fee and;
  • Have a legal visa and residence permit. 

Any violation against this Prakas shall be penalised in accordance with Chapter 16 of the Law on Labour. This Prakas is to be implemented after the date of signature (14 August 2020). 


2. General Department of Taxation Notification on the Postponement of July Tax Filing and Online Submission of Monthly Tax Returns  

On 14 August, the General Department of Taxation notified all taxpayers that the General Department of Taxation allows the postponement of tax filing and payment for July until 28 August 2020. This postponement will be extended until 30 August for those taxpayers who submit their monthly tax returns by online (E-Filing). 

3. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Instructions on Reopening of Primary School in Phase II 

On 25 August, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports issued the instructions on the reopening of primary schools. The reopening will start on 7 September 2020. The Ministry instructed their provincial and district education departments on the primary school reopening preparation, as follows:  

  • Schools must strictly follow the Standard of Operating Procedure (SOP) during this COVID-19 Pandemic; 
  • Maintaining security, safety, and social distancing. This includes limiting class size to 15-20 students per classroom and allowing students to be spaced 2 meters apart; 
  • Undergoing daily temperature checks for students, staff in schools. Schools will deny entry to anyone with a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher; 
  • Sanitising hands with alcohol or washing hands with soap; 
  • Establishing School Management Committee.   

4. Ministry of Economy and Finance Decision on Implementation of the Cash Relief Programme to Support the Poor and Vulnerable Families during COVID-19 period for the 2nd Round 

On 24 August, the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued the Decision No. 058 deciding that the cash relief programme to support the poor and vulnerable families during COVID-19 period is to be implemented for the 2nd round in August and September 2020 (2 months). The cash relief will be disbursed in the fourth week of each month. The​ next implementation period will be determined separately based on the actual progress of the situation. 

5. Ministry of Economy and Finance Announcement on Implementation of the Cash Relief Programme to Support the Poor and Vulnerable Families during COVID-19 period for the 2nd Round

On 25 August, the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued an announcement to inform that the 2nd round of cash relief programme to support the poor and vulnerable families during COVID-19 period starts from 25th August 2020 through Wing money transfer. For August, the Royal Government will disburse 30 Million USD from the national budget to support 2.6 million citizens. This amount is increased from 26 Million USD in July and 23 Million USD in June as about 60,000 poor families more are identified.

The Royal Government also recognises the technical supports from development partners such as UNICEF, UNDP, GIZ, Australian Government, German Government, Swedish Government, and the European Community which make this programme smoothly and successfully implemented. 

6. Office of the Council of Ministers Press Release on the Draft Law on Cassava National Policy and the Draft Report on Progress in Industrial Development Policy Implementation  

On 14 August, the Office of the Council of Ministers approved the draft Law on Cassava National Policy 2020-2025 and​ the draft report on progress in Industrial Development Policy implementation (2015-2025) in 2017-2018. The press release outlined that the Cassava National Policy aims to make Cambodia a location for the production, processing, and sustainable supply of cassava products for regional and global markets. This policy determines the following main objectives: 

  • Transform traditional or family-owned cultivation to manageable agro-commercial production; 
  • Support highly efficient cassava processors to process value-added cassava products for market supply and attract more investment in the cassava sector; 
  • Increase trade competition by penetrating and capturing market share, improve trade facilitation, reduce unnecessary costs and coordinate with cross sectors exportation. 

7. Ministry of Public Works and Transport Notification on Introducing a HOTLINE Number “1275” for Public Services Inquiry 

On 25 August, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport launched a four-digit HOTLINE number “1275” for public works and transportation services. The Notification outlines that the publics can make free calls to inquire about the public services and automation systems, vehicle registration, technical inspection, vehicle ownership transfer and business registration. 

8.  Ministry of Public Works and Transport Instruction on Sticking Reflective Sign on Heavy-Duty Trucks 

On 24 August, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport instructed that the heavy-duty trucks, construction vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers having more than 3.5 tons of maximum weight shall have reflective signs.  

This instruction also includes conditions of the reflective signs as well as sample pictures on sticking reflective signs on heavy-duty trucks such as cargo trucks, tanker trucks, car transporter trucks, cement mixer trucks, garbage trucks and semi-trailer. 

9. Ministry of Tourism Notification on UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition  

On 24 August, the Ministry of Tourism, in cooperation with the World Tourism Organization, released an announcement to promote the Sustainable Development Goals Global Startup Competition. This competition opens for all startup businesses to participate. The winners will receive a pitch at a UNWTO Memo Day, capacity and business development training, access to technological support and connection to the UNWTO Innovation networks. Registration for this competition will last until 20 September 2020.  

10. Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training Notification on the Provision of Subsidised Allowances to Suspended Employees in the Garment and Tourism Sectors (Round 25) 

On 26 August, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training confirmed that 10,592 suspended employees from 43 enterprises and factories of the garment and tourism sectors will receive a message from Wing (Cambodia) Specialised Bank about their subsidised allowance. Employees can withdraw the allowance at any Wing branch by bringing along their Khmer ID card and phone number. No service fee is required for the withdrawal. 


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