With the COVID-19 situation continuing to impact Cambodia, EuroCham will be regularly disseminating the official announcements from the Royal Government to ensure our network is updated as efficiently as possible.
Due to the significant number of incoming announcements, we are unable to translate these in full so please refer to our summaries below and the attached official notices in Khmer.
Official Announcements: 10 - 17 July
(English summaries provided by EuroCham Cambodia, subject to corrections by relevant authorities)
1. Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training Prakas on the Compensation of Khmer New Year Holiday from 17 until 21 August 2020
On 16 July, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training issued the Prakas on the substitute Khmer New Year period which is officially compensated from 17 until 21 August 2020. The Prakas outlines that business owners and directors can rotate their employees to take the holidays. Businesses shall prepare and keep a list of rotated employees for labour inspections.
If agreed by employers and employees, the days off can also be compensated for other dates than those determined by the Royal Government. During the rotation, businesses can temporarily employ other workers to substitute those who take their day off.
2. Ministry of Health Instruction on Protection Against the Spread of COVID-19 during the 5-day Khmer New Year Holiday
On 17 July, the Ministry of Health issued an instruction on protection against the spread of COVID-19 for the upcoming Khmer New Year Holiday which is set for 17 to 21 August 2020.
The Ministry recommends that citizens shall:
- Choose separate family trips rather than with big groups
- Avoid crowded public transportation
- Choose accommodation which has implemented good protective and hygiene measures
- Eat only well-cooked food and keep raw and cooked foods separate
- Wash hands with soap and maintain physical distancing
3. General Department of Taxation Instruction on the Application Process for Tax Exemption for Small and Medium Taxpayers in Prioritised Sectors
On 14 July, the General Department of Taxation (GDT) issued instruction no. 17083 on the application process to obtain certificates of tax exemption for small and medium taxpayers in prioritised sectors. Taxpayers can fill an application form through GDT website and submit it to the GDT’s department of administration or GDT provincial/district branches. After submission, the GDT will take between 7 to 10 working days to confirm the accuracy of submitted applications and supporting documents before granting a certificate of tax exemption.
Based on Prakas No. 159 issued on 17 February 2020, small and medium enterprises in the prioritised sectors are:
- Agricultural or agro-industry production
- Food manufacturing and processing
- Manufacturing of domestic consumer goods, waste recycling and production of goods for tourism sector
- Manufacturing of finished products, spare parts or assembling parts to supply other manufacturers
- Research and development of informational technology including the supply of innovative IT management services
- Enterprises located in SME cluster zones and enterprises developing the cluster zone
4. Ministry of Economy and Finance Press Release on the Results of SMEs Action Policy Committee
On 14 July, the Ministry of Economy and Finance released a meeting result of the SMEs Action Policy Committee. The Committee reviewed and approved the following measures aimed at supporting SMEs for the immediate, short and medium term.
Immediate measures:
- Reducing the red tape and coordinating compliance for SMEs
- Review ability to provide supporting services including business and legal consulting
- Promote financial support to SMEs through SME Bank and Rural Development Bank
Measures for short and medium term:
- Focus on ecological support including regulatory framework reforms and implementation, business services, financial support, SMEs marketing, Human Resources, R&D and promoting entrepreneurial mindset.
5. Ministry of Economy and Finance Prakas on Obligations to Submit Financial Statements for an Independent Audit
On 10 July, the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued Prakas no. 563 to determine procedures and requirements for submitting financial statements for independent audits. All public enterprises and publicly responsible enterprises shall submit their financial statements for an independent audit. Enterprises which are not public enterprises or publicly responsible enterprises but have two of the three below criteria, shall submit their financial statements for independent audit.
1st Criteria: 4,000,000,000 (4 Billion) Riels or more in turnover within the accounting dates.
2nd Criteria: 3,000,000,000 (3 Billion) Riels or more in assets by the end of accounting date.
3rd Criteria: an average of 100 or more employees per year.
Enterprises can submit their financial reports for an independent audit on a voluntary basis if they do not meet at least 2 out of the 3 criteria. This Prakas must be effectively implemented from the date of signature (10 July 2020).
6. The Royal Government of Cambodia on the Permission for Civil Servants, Employers/Workers to Take Leave from 17 until 21 August 2020
On 15 July, the Royal Government of Cambodia issued the Sub-decree allowing civil servants and employees to take leave from 17 until 21 August 2020. The leave will substitute the Khmer New Year that was postponed from April 2020.
7. Council of Ministers Letter on the Partial Reopening of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions
On 14 July, the Council of Ministers issued letter no. 677 to the Minister of Labour and Vocational Training to inform that the Royal Government permits the reopening of laboratory, capacity assessment center, year-end examination and thesis defense at the technical and vocational education and training institutions under the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training. However, the institutions shall follow the measures from the Ministry of Health against the spread of COVID-19.
8. Ministry of Education Youth and Sport Instruction on High School Examination at Private Educational Institutions for the year 2019-2020
On 14 July, the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport issued instruction no. 33 to inform that private educational institutions shall submit their requests and their list of examination candidates to the Ministry. The instruction also outlined the processes for creating exam questions, timing, scoring, and grading. The examination date is set for 17 August 2020.
9. Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training Notification on the Provision of Subsidised Allowances to Suspended Employees in the Garment and Tourism Sectors (Round 13)
On 14 July, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training confirmed that 19,704 suspended employees from 60 enterprises and factories of the garment and tourism sectors will receive a message from Wing Specialized Bank about the subsidised allowance. Employees can withdraw the allowance at any branch of the nearest Wing agents by bringing their Khmer ID card and phone number. There will be no service fee required for the withdrawal.
10. Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training Notification on the Provision of Subsidised Allowances to Suspended Employees in the Garment and Tourism Sectors (Round 14)
On 16 July, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training confirmed that 31,764 suspended employees from 140 enterprises and factories of the garment and tourism sectors will receive a message from Wing Specialized Bank about the subsidised allowance. Employees can withdraw the allowance at any branch of the nearest Wing agents by bringing their Khmer ID card and phone number. There will be no service fee required for the withdrawal.