Career Talk with University of Health Sciences

On the 25th of May, our Healthcare Committee members Bayer, DKSH, Kalbe, Sanofi, Servier, and Zuellig Pharma joined a Career Talk co-organized with our partner AUF at the University of Health Sciences.

During a one hour and a half interactive session, our speakers exchanged with students from the Medicine and Pharmacy Faculties about professional opportunities, domestic or international, in the Healthcare sector while also sharing their academic and professional experiences, tips and advices to the students. The session was followed by breakout discussion groups where each company representative had a booth for students to visit, ask questions, get brochures, or bring their resumes.

We would like to thank our partner AUF for co-organizing the event and the University of Health Sciences for hosting it. As students expressed strong enthusiasm, we hope to organize more Career Talks in the next Academic year.

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