Cambodia's Public Holiday Schedule 2017

CAMFEBA's Sub decree on Public holiday for civil servants, Employees and workers outlines the 2017 public holiday schedule.

Open the PDF File to get the list of all Public holidays:

Sub decree No. 223 - English (unofficial translation)

Sub decree No. 223 - Khmer

Take in account that some of those holidays fall on Sunday, and Prakas No. 466 confirms that as with previous years, "Any public holiday, which falls on Sunday, worker shall be subjected to be one day carried forward to the next day."

Be aware of the eight holidays that fall on Sunday in 2017:

▪ January 1
▪ April 16
▪ May 14
▪ June 18
▪ September 24
▪ October 15
▪ October 29
▪ December 10

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