Annual General Meeting 2016

EuroCham hosted its Annual General Meeting on June 2 2016 at Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra.

Emmanuel Menanteau initiated his final speech as EuroCham Chairman by welcoming participants and provided an overview of EuroCham’s activities during his three-year tenure as Chairman. David Parott, EuroCham treasurer, followed with a quick overview on the organization’s finance.

EuroCham Director Ratana Phurik-Callebaut then took the stage to deliver a comprehensive, hour-long update on EuroCham’s activities throughout the preceding 12 months. She noted that EuroCham has seen an increase in interest with over 50 new membership requests in the past year. Furthermore, all the pillars of EuroCham, (Advocacy, Services and Outreach) have shown positive results as Ms. Phurik-Callebaut demonstrated some key highlights in each area. Indeed, EuroCham launched its first White Book (a set of policy proposals designed to assist the Royal Government in their pursuit of enhancing Cambodia’s ease of doing business) at the Cambodia-EU Dialogue event in March 2016, and obtained an increase in revenue from its Business Services division. EuroCham’s Outreach abroad has also seen an uptick in activities by participating in the Joint-Investment Conferences with Myanmar and Laos EuroCham.

At the culmination of the event, voting was carried out smoothly and concluded with the election of Arnaud Darc as the new President of the Board.

Please find below our current Board of Directors:

Arnaud Darc - Chairman
Tassilo Brinzer - Vice-Chairman, German Chapter (ADW)
Matthew Rendall - Vice-Chairman, British Chapter (BritCham)
Guillaume Massin - Vice-Chairman, French Chapter (CCIFC)
Alexandra Herbel - Secretary General
David Parrott - Treasurer
Youdy BUN
Thomas Hundt
André de Jong
Guillaume Perdon
Daniel Wein
Thibaud Sournia
Carlo Figá Talamanca

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