Construction Forum

Eurocham, in collaboration with the Cambodia Constructors Association, organised its first Construction Forum on May 6th at Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra. The objective was to share best practices and standards in managing health and safety risks within the construction industry.
Cambodia is undergoing a process of rapid urbanization which is generating increasing demand for residential and commercial space in Phnom Penh and other urban areas. Q1 2016 alone saw $1.65bn investment in construction projects in Cambodia, representing a 267% increase on the comparable period in 2015. As of the end of the period, there are 473 ongoing development projects. This construction boom makes it all the more important that contractors have effectiveOccupational Healthy and Safety (OHS) procedures in place – Cambodia’s OHS regulations are currently somewhat weaker than in neighboring countries though this issue is now being given the attention that it requires.
Having introduced their areas of expertise and reaffirming the legal, moral and financial reasons that make it so important to improve OHS strategies in Cambodia, the speakers held a panel discussion addressing following questions:
- How can the government improve awareness of the need to ensure workers’ safety?
- Should inspections be done by the government or by private companies?
- How to prioritize implementation schedules?
- How difficult is it for workers to comply with rules and regulations?
- What incentives are offered to contractors?
More than 80 participants attended this productive half-day forum in order to receive the latest updates within the sector and be better-informed on this vital issue.