MoU signed between EuroCham and the Anti-Corruption Unit

The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) and EuroCham are pleased to announce that they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation Against Corruption on July 24th 2015.
Senior Minister His Excellency Mr. OM Yentieng, President of Anti-Corruption Unit and Mr. Emmanuel Menanteau, Chairman of European Chamber of Commerce, attended this signing ceremony along with a number of representatives from both institutions.
The signature of this MoU between the ACU and EuroCham reflects our mutual commitment to build a culture of compliance and transparency in the private sector, with the view of improving the overall business environment in Cambodia.
While the Royal Government of Cambodia considers the private sector as a strategic partner in fighting corruption, EuroCham is fully supportive of the Royal Government’s efforts to promote integrity and accountability that will help to build confidence with local and foreign investors and be more conducive to sustainable growth in the long run.
By becoming the first Business Association in Cambodia to sign an MOU with the Anti-Corruption Unit, we are particularly proud to take the lead amongst its peers for the promotion of full compliance with the Cambodian legal framework.