EuroCham Welcomes the New EU Ambassador to Cambodia
On 25th January 2016, EuroCham organized a cocktail reception to welcome the newly appointed EU Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Mr. George Edgar. The event gathered around 50 guests including the Chamber’s Board members and Heads of Committees. Representatives from the European Member States Embassies represented in Cambodia, namely Germany, France, UK and Sweden also attended the reception.
EuroCham’s Chairman, Mr. Emmanuel Menanteau, opened the reception welcoming all guests and inviting the Ambassador to deliver his speech. Noting that EU still remains the top export destination for Cambodia, H.E. Ambassador George Edgar stressed the importance of the EU-Cambodia economic relations as well as the potential for increased bilateral trade and investment.The EU Ambassador also praised EuroCham for its efforts in assisting European businesses in Cambodia.
The cocktail reception was hosted and sponsored by Khema Restaurant and Arunreas Hotel.
For more photos of the events, click here.
For more photos of the events, click here.