Corporate Integrity System

The Corporate Integrity System (CIS) is covered in the third business brief from Transparency International-Cambodia's Business Integrity Programme. The CIS is a holistic anti-bribery programme, that the Business Integrity Programme supports companies to implement free of charge.
A CIS is an essential component in ensuring business integrity. The implementation of such a system has been shown to lead to cost savings and to reduce the possibility of nepotism, conflict of interest and corruption. The CIS will serve as a reference point and act as a guideline for staff on how to respond when they face corruption issues. This will empower staff to deny demands for unofficial payments and build a culture of integrity within the company. For top management, the CIS is a great way to send a message to their staff that integrity is a priority by setting the tone from the top. Patterns and old habits are usually difficult for companies to break; for this reason the CIS can offer companies a fresh start.
For information about the CIS, please see the attached business brief in English and Khmer.