Morning Session with the President of the Anti-Corruption Unit
EuroCham Cambodia hosted a Morning Session with H.E. Dr. Om Yentieng, Senior Minister and President of the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU), focusing on how the private sector can benefit from engaging with the ACU.
H.E. Dr. Om Yentieng gave the audience an insight into ACU works. Reminding that EuroCham has signed an MoU with ACU, he stressed the importance of this partnership as "a vehicle that carry many people", serving the Royal Government's goal of improving the Kingdom's business environment.
According to the H.E. Dr. Om Yentieng, ACU’s three approaches to fight against corruption are awareness raising, prevention and law implementation. Drawing upon practical issues and real case examples, he shared ACU’s experiences in dealing with corruption in the private sector. Furthermore, he clarified that claimants are not required to pay any administrative fees or contribute any operational expenses. “Try us and see what we can do,” concluded the President of the ACU.
The Morning Session ended with a very engaging Q&A session. When asked whether the ACU has adequate resources to fight corruption, H.E. Dr. Om Yentieng told the audience that ACU has around 400 staff. He said that he seeks to use “brains” rather than “labour” to maximize the impacts of ACU works. Following its establishment in 2010, 60 ACU staff received training in Hong Kong with the support of international cooperation.