Membership Information

**Please Scroll Down to Apply for Membership

EuroCham Membership Types
  • Ordinary Corporate Members
    Companies in good standing which are established under the laws of any EU Member State or which are majority-owned subsidiaries of such companies or which can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee that they have substantial ties to the EU and which have a legal presence in Cambodia in a form permitted by the laws of Cambodia. US $ 750.00/year.
  • Ordinary SMEs, NGOs and Individuals Members
    Companies of less than 50 employees in good standing filling the same requirements as the Ordinary Corporate Members and individuals of good standing who are nationals of any EU Member State and who can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee that they are actively involved in business, trade, investment and/or other permitted activities in Cambodia but are not members of an organization which could become an Corporate Member and who are resident in Cambodia. US $ 430.00/year.
  • Associate Corporate Members
    Companies in good standing which are established under the laws of Cambodia; or companies in good standing which are established under the laws of any EU Member State or which are majority-owned subsidiaries of such companies or which can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee that they have substantial ties to the EU and Cambodia but which do not have a legal presence in Cambodia in a form permitted by the laws of Cambodia. US $ 750.00/year.
  • Associate SMEs, NGOs and Individual Members 
    Companies of less than 50 employees in good standing filing the same requirements than the Associate Corporate Members and individuals of good standing who are nationals of any EU Member State and who can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee that they are actively involved in business, trade, investment and/or other permitted activities in Cambodia and/or the EU but are not members of an organization which could become a Corporate member and who are not resident in Cambodia. Individuals of good standing who are not nationals of any EU Member State who are actively involved in business, trade, investment and/or other permitted activities in Cambodia and/or the EU. NGOs which are established under the law of any EU Member State and which are actively engaged with activities involving the Private sector. US $ 430.00/year.
  • Start-Up Members
    To support entrepreneurs starting new ventures, EuroCham has created a new Start-Up Membership Category. For 220.00$/year, entrepreneurs in the process of registering a new company can join the Chamber, on the condition that they initiate the legal company registration process with the relevant authorities after 6 months. Afterwards, the full SME membership price (390.00$/year) and voting rights will apply from the second year of membership. 

National Chapters

EuroCham Cambodia was inaugurated on 2 June 2011 with the support of three founding European Business Organizations:

1.     The Chambre de Commerce Franco-Cambodgienne (CCIFC)

2.     The German Business Group, Arbeitskreis Deutsche Wirtschaft (GBC)

3.     The British Business Association in Cambodia (BBAC)

Between 2017-23, EuroCham has welcomed the addition of four new Chapters:

4.      The Nordic Chapter (NordCham)

5.      The Italian Chapter (ICBA)

6.      The Benelux Chapter (Benelux Cambodia)

7.      The Central and Eastern European Business Association (CEEBAC)

You can become a member of a national chapter within Eurocham or a Eurocham Direct member with the same membership conditions and benefits. Eurocham's national chapters receive a 40% share of your membership fee and offer additional activities and events. For more information on our national chapters and their activities, please see the Eurocham statutes or contact them via their respective websites.

Notes: BritCham remains a Founding Member of EuroCham Cambodia and receives special status while staying independent. BritCham Members shall pay 50% of membership fees (US$ 375 for Corporate Members, US$ 215 for SMEs, NGOs and individuals Members, and US$110 for Start-Ups), However, they will receive a status of Associate Members and will not have the same benefits as the National Chapters' Members. BritCham's Members who want to have a voting right will need to apply for Ordinary Corporate membership.

Please note that we will request the following:

  • Current Certificate of Registration with Ministry of Commerce/ Ministry of Interior (Scanned Copy)

  • Patent Tax Certificate (Scanned Copy)

  • Number of Employees

  • Name of CEO and additional representatives

  • Confirmation that CEO or second representative is resident in Cambodia

  • Company LOGO

Membership Form


Representative One

Representative Two

Representative Three

Finance Contact

Type of Membership

I have read and agreed to the EuroCham Statutes