Past Events

Joint Networking Event Siem Reap

Join us for an unforgettable after-work drink!

Workshop on taxes and contracts: the A-B-C’s of Compliance

Getting your business off the ground, and keeping it in the air

Luncheon with H.E. Dr. Sok Siphana

Luncheon on AEC with H.E. Dr. Sok Siphana, Advisor to the Royal Government of Cambodia

EuroCham & CCIFC Networking Event

Breakfast Talk | Import and Export

Guest speaker: Mr. Ho Sivyong, Director of the Import and Export Department of the Ministry of Commerce


Amazon representatives to present Amazon's experience and startegy in ASEAN emerging markets

Networking event

Expand your network in the local and European business community over food and drinks!

Luncheon with H.E. Mr. SOK Chenda Sophea

Luncheon with H.E. Mr. SOK Chenda Sophea, Minister attached to the Prime Minister, Secretary General of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC)

Breakfast Talk | AEC & Taxation

AEC & Taxation : what are the factors that lead to steady regionalization of business in ASEAN.

Breakfast Talk | Commercial Arbitration

Arbitration in Cambodia: how to solve commercial disputes outside of the Court.

Annual Platinum Partners

Annual Gold Partners

Founding Chambers & National Chapters