Past Events

Networking Event

Green Business Forum 2016


EuroCham and BritCham | Speed Networking Event

Joint Speed Networking event. Join us!

Breakfast Talk | Insights into Cambodia's new consumer trends

CAMBODIA EU Business Dialogue

EuroCham and CCIFC Networking Event - French Week

Breakfast Talk with ACTED | Introducing the Workers Sabay Certification Scheme for the Hospitality Sector

Luncheon | Growth in France and the strengthening of the European Monetary Union 

EuroCham and CCIFC Luncheon with Mr. Bruno Bézard, Director General of the French Treasury

Conference and Workshops | Keys to an effective social media strategy in Cambodia 2016

Conference and workshops

EuroCham | Networking Event

Meet a business delegation from Germany!

Annual Platinum Partners

Annual Gold Partners

Founding Chambers & National Chapters