If you are an office, construction or industry worker/supervisor, then come join us to better understand the best-practices OSH ASEAN standards.
This Breakfast Talk will teach you:
* What the key OSH benefits are for employers and employees
* Why you must apply OSH at the workplace
* What the PRAKAS of Government are on OSH Implementation
* About OSH Training Materials & Tools (Asean & Government)
* About OSH best-practices in the Industry
You will gain lots of in-depth, new knowledge and go back to your workplace with an OSH check-list that will assist to minimize possible risks and increase productivity.
Presenter: Dr. Um Sam Oeurn, Managing Director of 3G Agent Co. has over 30 years of experience in HR Management. For his work with the Royal Government on HR development and Humanitarian Work in Cambodia, he has received the Monisaraphorn medal, Gold medal and Silver medal. He has been a First-Aid instructor for 20 years and is an International Trainer on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) of the International Training Center, ILO in Turin, Italy and the Philippines. Dr. Oeurn has received OSH and ASEAN Tools of OSH training in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Moderator: Mr. Lun Borey, Active Member of EuroCham's HR Committee, and a certified HR practitioner with more than 19 years of practical experience. He is a certified HR practitioner from Japan and leadership development specialist from Singapore.