Since 1978, PUM has grown into Europe's largest 'temp agency' for the placement of professional volunteers for SME's in developing countries.
Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch Employers Federation VNO-NCW, PUM has advised over 40.000 entrepreneurs globally, covering over 70 sectors of industry such as manufacturing, agriculture, automotive, etc. The expertise that PUM Senior Experts provide are among others, product development, human resource management, skills development for workers, management training, export promotion, technology upgrading and application etc.
The role of small and medium sized entrepreneurs is crucial in any country as they contribute to job creation, economic growth and innovation and PUM is here to assist Cambodian entrepreneurs succeed.
Join EuroCham's Breakfast Talk (interactive seminar format) on November 25th to get an overview of PUM's advisory process and how they can help your organization.