
Link to advocacy compass: Automotive Committee | EuroCham WhiteBook ( 

The Automotive Committee is open to authorized importers and distributors of automotive brands headquartered in Europe.

The Committee is a platform for information sharing and discussion, and concerns itself with matters that solely relate to automotive industry and while seeking to join hands with the Cambodian authorities in order to improve overall business environment and practices in the sector.


  • Promote the development of European passenger automotive distribution and industry in Cambodia as a critical enabler to Cambodia’s continuing economic growth;
  • Provide a forum for companies involved in European passenger cars importation and distribution in order to discuss common issues and challenges to the industry in Cambodia and to provide the Royal Government of Cambodia with constructive policy recommendations;
  • Maintain relationships with other agencies and bodies that have interests in automotive distribution matters and to align interests where desirable (i.e. Cambodian Automotive Importers Federation (CAIF), Government-Private Sector Working Groups, Government Agencies, as well as European Embassies);
  • Promote transparency, compliance and rule of law in the Automotive Sector;
  • Develop position papers and contribute to the EuroCham White Book;
  • Protect consumers’ interest and to promote awareness of traffic safety and safe motoring in Cambodia;
  • Protect the environment with cars that meet international pollution standards;
  • Promote the compilation and dissemination of official statistical data on the Cambodian automotive market;

Committee Leadership 

Mr. Kjeld Olsen
Vice Chairman
Second Vice-chairman