"Cambodian Electrical Energy Conversion Research Cluster": A group of research and technology transfer in Electrical Engineering at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia

A new Research Group dedicated to the development and technology transfer in electrical engineering and renewable energy was launched on July 13th 2016 at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia in Phnom Penh.

As a result of a historic and successful partnership between ITC and the University of Toulouse (Laboratory LAPLACE of the Institut Polytechnique), the research activities cover the production of electricity using renewable energy in remote rural areas coupled with the use smartphones. With the support of partners such as the French Embassy, AUF, the World Bank, JICA and the European Union, these research activities are a continuation of two Ph.D. theses of Cambodian students currently at INP Toulouse, with the publication of 10 international conference papers.

This Research group, located in the "Electrical Engineering FabLab", will aim to drive collaborative projects with donors such as International Organizations, NGOs, Cambodian companies and local communities.

Contact: Bun Long, Head of Electrical Energy Department,


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